Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April's Giveaway

Hai..hai..udah lama nih ga sharing tentang giveaways.  Kali ini aku mw share tentang giveaways yang ikutin di bulan April ini

1.  Giveaway yg dihelat ama Jennyfer Michiyo di blognya.

Aku pengen banget dapetin hadiah Naked 3, karena memang hobi banget ama eyeshadow dan memang belum mampu buat beli hehehehe...Yah sapa tau aja bisa dapet gratisan lewat Giveaway ini.

Buat kalian yang juga pengen ikutan en dapetin hadiah bisa ikutan di blognya Jennyfer Michiyo.
Atau bisa klik foto dibawah ini

2. Beautyandlifestylehunter

GA yg kedua ini dibikin ama blogger dari's so easy for you to join the giveaway..just click on here Beautyandlifestylehunter /picture below and fill in the rafflecopter.  You can win an Ausganica Lavender Travel Pack containing Shampoo, Conditioner, Hand/Body Wash & Lotion.

3. Misaraisu

Althought this GA almost ended..I need to join in coz..I want that GEO lens...If You want to join just click here or click on the picture below.

4. Kitten Cuddler

Laura hosting a GA for her 1 year anniversary ... If you want to join click here or click on the picture below

5. susievibe
I really want to win this giveaway coz there's a journal know that i'm collecting diary, journal, weekly planner and anything like that....beside that u can see the perfume....yeeeee..i'm also love to use perfume...any perfume...i like to try new fragrance I hope I can win it...and BB cream..i'd love to use it....and i want it.

U wan to see the gift???? see ....can you see that...(on the below lah..)

so..if u want it too..just click here to join!!!

6. endlessummerblog

this 6th giveaway are from endlessummerblog, she hosting a lovely giveaway that u will not regret...u want to see the prizes??? see the picture below and click it if you want to join in.

7.  thatmakeuplady

this giveaway is so amazing coz she prep everything that i like..especially the eyeshadow..I'm really want it!!! beside that so many lipstick, lip gloss with color that I really love..hehehehehe

here is the prize ..want to join..just click on the picture girls!!

8. aqeelakeela
This is also giveaway that i want ....the prizes is Clinique Cheek I can win it....
Click the picture below if u want to join!!!

9. little miss dreamer spring giveaway

Heloo there...there's a awesome giveaway for us from little miss many prizes we can get.
Check this out girls!!

u want it??? i guess so...just click here to join.